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Our Mission

Bridge Prep exists so all students with dyslexia and their families have a public school option that meets their needs within their community.

Literacy serves as the foundation upon which all learning is based, yet data shows that students across the country continue to struggle with literacy. Research shows that roughly 20% of the school-aged population has a language-based learning disability. We believe that with proper instructional interventions and an appropriate academic environment, all students can learn to read and write proficiently. At Bridge Prep, all students will benefit from our structured literacy approach and a multisensory curriculum, particularly students with dyslexia and other reading related disabilities, and English Language Learners.

Bridge Prep provides students and families who need our structured, multi sensory programming, with a free, public school option in their community and prevents them from being forced to leave Staten Island or New York City to find a school that meets their needs.